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Real estate information ×
New Request
Excerpts ×
Ownership information on map section
Stellt die Eigentumsinformationen mehrerer ausgewählter Grundstücke zusammen.
Liegenschaftskenndaten (Riehen)
Erstellt eine Zusammenstellung der wichtigsten Informationen zu einem einzelnen Grundstück.
Earthquake micro-zoning
Creates an earthquake micro-zoning excerpt for the location selected.
Import map layers ×
Only the externally loaded WMS layer that is suggested can be printed.
Selection-Tool ×
Draw & Measure ×

Filter map content ×
No filtrable layer available!
Profil zeichnen ×

Street View ×
Click on a road on the map to start StreetView.
MapBS 3D ×

Please select a mode and a location on the map:

3D city model: MapBS 3D opens for the selected map location with the 3D city model.
Bird's eye: MapBS 3D opens at the selected location on the map and displays the oblique aerial view facing north.
Street photos BS ×
Datenerfassung ×